Tuesday, December 20, 2011


 This I made with an older friend in mind. She shared a story of her life and I wanted to do something for her.
I sat down at my desk  thinking what a good message would be, and what kind of horse design could go along with it? And then the phrase  "Stand for Truth and righteousness came to mind, and then, the hymn High on a mountain Top. And I came up with this. 

Although it is hard to read on the picture, it says in the littler words; High on a mountain top, our banner is unfurled, ye nations now look up it waves to all the world.

I am defiantly proud of this one.
So, one of these are going to be shipped out for Christmas. I hope she enjoys it, but I will have to satisfy myself by imagining what she will look like when she opens the box and sees who it's from. I hope she is reminded of good things and how much my friends and I appreciate her.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Black Pony cards

Last friday there was someone I knew that felt needed a card, a note of thanks. So as soon as I got home, I sat down at my desk and cut paper, glued and whipped up a design. I liked it.  And alot more then I thought I would. So I got some more ideas, and made these two cards. I know the pink doesn't go with the Black pony design, but the style is still the same. Both are blank in the inside. I believe all my future cards will be, so that you can write what you will and can take all the space.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Family of horses

This is also a double sided shirt, though on the back there is a bigger black stallion, rather then the whole family. On the website you can change the shirt type, so all that matters is if you like the design. But I like this kind of shirt, so I will probably be displaying most of my designs on this kind. :)

High stepping Pinto shirt

This design is on the front and back, though slightly smaller in back. Originally it's meant to be a Missouri Fox trotter, but whatever breed, it's still a horse. If I gathered all my pencil drawings together, you would find that I have drawn more spotted horses then not. I like shading them, the black and the white, light and dark. My other favorite colors of horses include dark Bays, blacks and buckskins.

All the pretty little horses necklace

This is something I am definitely ordering for myself for Christmas!  I will wear it to work, while traveling, and all that stuff. These designs may also appear on other products later.

Foals in the spring Card envelope

Here is an envelope with the same desighn as the mug below. On an envelope, is where the little stick horse desghns began. I write lots of hand written letters to my friends and family across the country, and I beleive they have enjoyed them. The drawings as well as the letters themselves. ;) Now they can send them to me! 

Foals in the spring

This image does not show the full effect of the picture. But you can see all sides of it on the Zazzle website. Yes, its not spring, but now's the time when you start to miss it, so, missing it I thought about baby horses, especially because of the baby foal that was born to one of my neighbors. New born lambs usually start the spring at my house. But a baby anything is a new beginning.